A Star Is Born....Part 1-where there is a evil there is a uuvaaauuuuu

It was a hot,dull,sultry,suffocating and extremly boring afternoon, BUT ALL THAT WAS GOING TO CHANGE,thanks to the most devious and wicked conspiracy which was being master-minded by the evil Dr.Professor and his trusted sidekick.
But unknown to him, a secret meeting of the famous uuvaaauuuuu group was already in motion in their secret lair(known to the outside world as, 'The Last Bench')
A little introduction to the famous inner circle of the uuvaaauuuuu group.To begin with ,the leader,ABHISHEK(scary potter), a cunning and deceptive Super-hero whose special ability is to create abstract art which he calls 'animation' to confuse even the most deadly nemesis .The brain of the gang,NEERU(the unsinkable fish),who spends so much time racking his brains(though he usually never gets beyond the "Duh!!lets-go-and-get-some-food line",sigh!!) for the group that he neglects his constantly deteriorating retinal muscles,which would one day cause his impeachment from the elite circle of the uuvaaauuuuu .
The uuvaaauuuuuu inner order has two of the most talanted espionage agents ever to roam the secret world of spys and dangerous villains, TKP(the multi-faced)who has the ability to change his personality when facing grave peril and HARSHA(boy wonder
:-o). Together they are the world's most elite crime fighting heros.
Now it was upto the civilised world's most high profile crime fighters to save the day from the infamous Dr.professor and his trusted sidekick.
.......to be cont'd in part 2.(The scheme unfolds)
i think we should name the monkey scooter.
nice one macha.. :) keep it comin
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