Friday, December 09, 2005

A Star Is Born.... Part2-A Time For Heros

So on this boring and mundane afternoon the uuvaaauuuuuu members were busy trying to rescue the class from the evil Dr.Professor whose evil plan was to create the world's most perfect Zombies with his boring ideas on 'education' and a 'better life of the educated'.

Time was getting wasted. The members had to act fast. With each passing moment the evil grip of Dr.professor was growing stronger. With the help of his trusted lieutenant,SecretAgentKUNAL, he was getting closer to accomplishing his goal.

After a lot of arguments and some dumb suggestions they decide to use their most unreliable and dangerous weapon, MUTHU (the quad-eyed). You see Muthu's special ability was an insatiable gluttony for punishment and pranks (on himself). The members decide to use this to their advantage to bring the class back to life and foil Dr.professor's evil plans once and for all.

With the plan being passed by the decision-making committee of the elite uuvaaauuuuuu members it was time for action.Dr.professor was busy hypnotizing his hapless victims. So with none to notice him AgentTKP, the most experienced of the group, slowly goes and sits next to MUTHU, followed by his trusted partners and makes sure he (MUTHU) is in the corner. This obviously bold move, which would have aroused a doubt in the dumbest of minds, did not go unnoticed by MUTHU. When questioned the most common trick in the book was used to dissolve any kind of doubt in his mind (the members complain of poor visibility from behind) chuckle! chuckle! And the old coot falls for it like a mouse for cheese!!!

So it was NEERU, ABHISHEK, HARSHA, TKP and MUTHU (in order L-to-R). AgentHARSHA being better in math gave the much-awaited countdown (count up actually).
There were beads of sweat on AgentNEERU's forehead, which were dripping on his goggles of greater vision. Such was the concentration of the group. One could imagine this, since it was one of the group's tougher missions. One single mistake could cost many lives
AgentABHISHEK would have almost defiled his pants but for the sudden realization of his position in the circle. He could not afford to show signs of weakness.
AgentTKP being more experienced, tensed his muscles for the final moment and waited with bated breath, with the patience of a chess player.
11... ??????

At this point AgentHARSHA gets the coldest and meanest stares of his lifetime. Clearly it was a breach of Code-of-Conduct No1173Q: 'NO MEMBER OF THE ELITE CIRCLE SHALL JEOPARDIZE THE MISSION WITH HIS SMARTASS GIMMICKS'.
AgentHARSHA chuckles because he realizes that all three of them together are no match for him and since he made the rules he knows all the loopholes.
So his 'ass' was safe anyway!!!.

With a wink, AgentHARSHA quietly counts 1..2..3..and lunges sideward with the force of a jackhammer the other end MUTHU almost feels the same force except that its about 4 jackhammers now.

So what was the plan, the members give MUTHU a slight (enough to knock over a boulder) push and dislodge him from his seat. They hoped this would create enough distraction to rouse the victims.

The problem was simpler than foreseen by the members. Our man (MUTHU) was having one leg out of the desk and trying a very difficult stretch for god knows what!!, when they catch him in this very vulnerable position. So instead of just being dethroned from his seat he falls across a few feet (about 5to6) and lands on the next bench ..........

The evil Dr.professor has almost completed his experiment to create the world's most perfect Zombies when suddenly there is a loud !!!!BANG!!!!. Just when his plan was going to succeed the noise brings all the victims back to life. Cursing his luck he trods disappointed to the source of the distraction............

By this time, some of the nearby victims who had been rescued realize what had happened and break into an uncontrollable giggle which turns into a barrage of laughter much to the amusement of the less unfortunate ones who were not in direct line-of-sight................

His old weary legs are no match for the nimble members. By the time
Dr.professor reaches the spot they are already back in their respective places. One look at the fallen prey and he knows the guilty. But with no evidence and MUTHU who was clearly shaken from the fall not able to testify, there was nothing to be done.

Once again the day is saved thanks to the uuvaaauuuuuu group. And whatever said and done that day, A New Star Was Born................MUTHU. As the old saying goes 'ALLs WELL THAT ENDS WELL'.

Coming Soon:- The Next Episode... "MUTHU PASS AYITAAN".... stay tuned.
Peace to you all.


Blogger Chandler said...

Brilliant da..

8:41 AM  
Blogger LorD-VisionZ said...

keep more on this chapter goin dude

8:50 AM  

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