Saturday, December 17, 2005

Blog wars -Part1-A New Hope...

He who must not be framed

The beginning of Uuuvvvaaauuuu
Doctor: That’s it...... Push a little harder......Lady Nurse: Yes....Yes..... I can see the head.....
Doctor: Just a little more and ...... Nurse: oh!! I can see the body...... the tiny legs...the....Oh my god!! I think he winked at me!!!

For most of you lesser mortals, this is a normal delivery-of-a-child scene, which you would have seen, in countless movies till date. But only a few know that on that day, (DATE NOT REVEALED DUE TO A REQUEST FROM OUR UNDER-AGED HERO), the greatest super hero who had ever walked this earth, not to mention save it, was born.

Born and bred in an urban city, Chennai, ABHISHEK (or AgentABHI as his secret Uuvaaauuuuuu league members know him) learnt the bitter truths life had to offer at a very early age.

The short-tempered old neighbor who constantly beat him up for the ‘BEWARE OF OLD MAN SIGN HE USED TO PUT UP ON HIS FRONT GATE’
The girl-next-door who severely reprimanded him for peeking through her window.
It was impossible for a day to pass without punishment in school; punished for hiding in the girls bathroom, punished for setting off fireworks in the principals office, punished for arranging a chalk fight in class, punished for having a fist fight with a group of junior girls ………………...and the list goes on.
It was a similar story in college, where during the early days, he devoted his time to early morning puja, without much success.:-)

It was in the later half of his academic career, when his life took a decisive turn.
This was due to the creation of the fellowship-of-the-Uuvvaaaaauuuu; this paved the way for him to embrace his destiny. Being a natural leader, he found no difficulty in rising to the highest position in the Uuvvaaaauuuuuu league, THE CAPTAIN OF THE BENCH.
He quickly found talent in the most unlikely candidates.
The UnSinkable Fish (AgentNEERU), the boy with an infinite personalities (AgentTKP) and the boy wonder:-)(AgentHARSHA).

Due to his vast experience and the special ability to sleep with his eyes open, the members had managed to saved the world from a numerous critical situations, some of the most important being; the invasion of the minions led by the evil Dr.Professor and the incredible mystery of the misplaced message which threatened to destroy AgentNEERU.

To all of my peace loving readers out there, who don’t have the super powers to save themselves from the deadly evil, which prevails in this world, THANK THE LORD FOR BRINGING INTO THIS WORLD, OUR CHAMPION, AGENTABHI.

Peace to you all.


Blogger LorD-VisionZ said...

LOL nice intro to me da :)) liked the winkin at the nurse part:P

11:21 AM  

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