Saturday, March 11, 2006

AgentHARSHA's 'sneak peek' on - How to join the Uuuvvvaaauuuuuuuuu Club????

The Uuuvvvaaauuuuu club

How many times have you wondered aloud, "how can a person join The Uuuvvvaaauuuu"? How can I be a part of that incredibly addictive and exciting group of Super Heros?? Will I be good enough to be a part of The Uuuvvvaaauuuu???

Well, the next few lines will answer all your questions.
Any person who can follow 8 simple rules and pass a few simple tests will be given a posting at the Uuuvvvaaauuuu high command:-)

THE Uuuvvvaaauuuu RULE BOOK:- By Double-agent, AgentKUNAL.

1)The first rule of Uuuvvvaaauuuu club is - you do not talk about Uuuvvvaaauuuu club

2)The second rule of Uuuvvvaaauuuu club is - you DO NOT talk about Uuuvvvaaauuuu club

3)Third rule - only four guys in the last bench of the class decide who can join The Uuuvvvaaauuuu club

4)Fourth rule - only one mokka(a.k.a Poor Joke)at a time(for the good health of the person telling the mokka).

5)Fifth rule of Uuuvvvaaauuuu club - if someone yells "Stop!!!", goes limp, taps(or dies, the mokka is over.

6)Sixth rule - not more than 10 mokkas in a day.

7)Seventh rule -all the mokkas will go on as long as they have to and will end only with the enforcement of the fifth rule.

8)And the eighth and final rule - if this its your first night in Uuuvvvaaauuuu, you have to yell "Uuuvvvaaauuuuuuuuuu".

These are the few simple tests conducted to test your credibility:
1)Ability to throw a chalk more than 20metres
2)Being able to say Uuuuuvvaauuuu loud enough for the whole class to hear
3)Minimum of 50 mokka jokes before you join.
4)A wacky Super Hero name ex:-crazylittlemonkeyinpants

Best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blog Wars-Part 3- The Return Of The Uuuvvvaaauuuuuuu

For the readers, Sorry for not posting for so long. I had a some work that needed to be sorted out. This post has some meterial which might be a little confusing or unclear to a few readers. Anyone who needs further explaination can contact the Uuuvvvaaauuuuuu members in their lair. Cheers!!!!!!

The k-mobile screeched to a halt outside the compound startling a few birds that flew away screaming into the night air. It was AgentABHI’s reconnaissance vehicle: crudely engineered, expensive and had a high fuel consumption, but nevertheless effective (at least that’s what he claimed).
The day was colder than usual, but AgentABHI didn’t let the weather affect his concentration. Too much was at stake that day. The outcome of the day’s events would decide the FUTURE EXISTANCE OF THE Uuvvaaaauuuuuuu.

He stared up at the tall gray building in front him, which cast a dull shadow across the terrain. A sharp breeze cut across his face and he felt a tinge of nerves; maybe he shouldn’t have come alone. This was last place any of the Uuvvaaaauuuuuuu members would want to find themselves alone, ‘The Critter Headquarters’.
A simple reconnaissance mission had gone horribly wrong. The Uuvvaaaauuuuuuu
“WEAPON OF MASS DISTRACTION” had fallen into the hands of the evil Dr.HOC.
The members could only imagine the magnitude of danger of such a situation.

The decision was made by the Uuvvaaaauuuuuuu High Council. AgentABHI had to recover the weapon, since it was his irresponsibility that had led to this fiasco. AgentABHI, being the true leader he was, accepted full responsibility and agreed to represent the Uuvvaaaauuuuuuu in a ‘peace talk’ with the Critters. He planned to create a diversion at some point and use the WMD’s teleportation ability to return to the lair, but the big question was: would he have such an opportunity??? Only time would tell.

In a dark alley far…. far…. away, AgentHARSHA spoke with a little excitement, “Has SHE been briefed about the plan”.
“Yes”, answered AgentNEERU. “Are you sure this will work”.
“Trust me, if anyone can pull this off SHE can”. AgentHARSHA had a wry smile on his face when he spoke.

Unknown to AgentABHI the other members had planed a rescue operation incase anything went wrong. There was absolutely no way they were going to watch their leader walk into a trap and not do anything about it……………………………………………

He slowly walked through the large iron-gate with their security cameras swaying to and fro to detect the slightest movement. But at the moment, they were intently fixed on AgentABHI. At the other end Dr.HOC stared into the large screen in front of him. Were his eyes playing tricks on him????? The person on the screen couldn’t be AgentABHI!!!!. The fact was that, AgentABHI had grown a long beard, so his face resembled a ‘peace-disrupter’ whom Dr.HOC had known a few years back, a person responsible for the destruction of the twin troubles in the United Sissy Association.
At the entrance there were two critter guards waiting to usher him inside for the ‘meeting’. AgentABHI walked towards them uneasily. They were about 25 feet away so he couldn’t see the guard’s face clearly. As he approached them, he saw “her” and his heart skipped a beat……… it was AgentARUN “DOESN’T-THINK” DIRTY……………


2 years.... It had been 2 long and painful years since AgentABHI had seen the ‘angel’ of his life. He had met her while he was attending a crash course on 100 NEW WAYS TO PRAISE ‘BONO’, in an institution called ‘high-fly’ J. She was the most charming, irresistible, lovely, kind, funny, witty, amazing, incredible, canny, refreshing, clever…….. (Phew!!! I ran out of adjectives at this point) person ever. Now fate had brought them together once again. He was not going to miss this opportunity. He had to ask her the question, which he had avoided all these years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After being frisked, he was elbowed into the critter building. He was rudely pushed into a dark room. Suddenly there was a flash of light, which blinded him for a moment. He was shocked at what he saw before him…………………………………..

AgentHARSHA shook his head in disbelief; AgentNEERU was busy trying to cover his stained pants, 7 container trucks, a hapless bus and a couple of clueless pedestrians. He almost wished he had never let AgentTKP drive the Uuvvaaaauuuuuuu mobile. But he didn’t have an option, a life was at stake and, AgentTKP was by far the fastest driver among them, after retired AgentMOKKA, even though his driving involved dangerous, neck-breaking stunts, and was the right person to get them to the critter HQ before it was too late for AgentABHI.

.......He was still recovering from his initial shock, when AgentARUN “DOESN’T-THINK” DIRTY pushed him into a chair and tied his hands and legs with colorful ribbons. AgentABHI stared straight ahead and saw the entire critter high command assembled there. So this was a trap after all!!!!!!! For the first time that night, AgentABHI regretted walking into the critter compound…………. Dr.Professor, AgentKUNAL, AgentPRIFAG were present along with their ruthless leader, DrHOC.

AgentABHI knew he was trapped, so he tried to be brave, “Is this is how you critter dogs treat a peaceful ………… ”. Before he could finish his sentence a heavy critter hand crashed into his face making a deep gash across his cheek. AgentARUN “DOESN’T-THINK” DIRTY’s cheeks turned bright pink. AgentABHI spat out the blood from his mouth and looked defiantly at his adversaries, DocHOC who was silent so long finally spoke with bitterness, “And now my foolish little boy, you will die for your insolence, and your death will be a lesson to all those who dare to defy the critters”. With this he took out his supersonic electron-splitting ‘BIZZ’ gun and aimed it at AgentABHI’s stomach. Suddenly… FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The big screen directly behind the evil DocHOC suddenly came to life. There was a movie clip, which was being played, much to the horror of DocHOC, which showed licentious activity between himself and AgentPRIFAG.

While the rest of the critters were drooling over the movie, AgentARUN “DOESN’T-THINK” DIRTY quickly grabbed AgentABHI by the collar and dragged him out of the room. Being his usual unlucky self, AgentABHI tripped over a rubber duck, which was harmlessly lying on the ground and did a couple of somersaults before crashing into DocHOC who was standing beside him. The first ones to notice him missing were the two guards. Their heads connected together with a BANG!!!!! And AgentARUN “DOESN’T-THINK” DIRTY triumphantly climbed over their piled up bodies. The lights suddenly turn on and she was hit on the head from behind by a critter guard. DocHOC smiled in amusement as he positioned the BIZZ gun directly on her navel. AgentARUN “DOESN’T-THINK” DIRTY closed her eye and waited for the longest 5 seconds of her life, but nothing happened……………………….

There is a loud BANG!!!! And she saw a flash of light from AgentABHI’s arm. He flew back a few yards and landed on the table at the end of the room.
AgentABHI had gained possession of the WMD when he crashed into DocHOC. He quickly set it to the ‘critterminator’ mode and aimed at DocHOC and pressed the FIRE button. But, by habit, he had aimed the WMD towards himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recovering quickly, he turns around and fired randomly at the critters. One of the beams launched into AgentPRIFAG, covering them all in PRI-JACULATION.
Seizing the opportunity, AgentARUN “DOESN’T-THINK” DIRTY, reaches out to AgentABHI and he presses the teleportation button to land in the Uuvvaaaauuuuuuu lair.

The members rush towards them eagerly and immediately stop after seeing them covered with critter Goo.
“Smuck”, shouts AgentHARSHA, covering his nose. How did you manage to get that stuff all over you?????
But his voice dies away as AgentABHI and AgentARUN “DOESN’T-THINK” DIRTY stare at each other. The members understand and leave them alone with smiles lighting up their faces. They knew what was going to happen……….

AgentABHI looked at her in the eye and knew that the time had come to pop the question, which had haunted him for so long. He asks her without blinking,
HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO DISTORT YOUR FACE LIKE A FISH WHENEVER YOU WANT TO?????????????????????????????????????????????

Uuvvaaaauuuuuuu………………..Until next time.
